The Lord of Saboath
Mission Statement
To provide solid Biblical teaching
To create a sound, holistic and healthy church
To provide sound leadership and discipleship by assisting the need, care desires of others
To create an atmosphere of love and unity and free.
To live our lives in accordance to the Law of God
To rear our Children in the reverential fear and knowledge of God
By Teaching and training them the ways of the Lord
To continue in prayer and daily bible reading with our family
To set apart with our family a day of worship, which is the Sabbath day, the Lord had made for mankind to be enjoyed in spiritual fulfilment.
To care for the sick
To visit those in penile intuitions
To prove a reason of hope for the loss
Go disciple all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to be keeping all, whatever I direct you. And lo! I am with you all the day till the conclusion of the eons Amen! (Matt 28: 19)
God is calling for a unified Church a soon to be glorified Church.